hellomeghunt: Henna!
hellomeghunt: Henna, etc
hellomeghunt: Little flowers around my 'neighborhood.'
hellomeghunt: Visiting scenic Fake Lake.
hellomeghunt: Visiting scenic Fake Lake.
hellomeghunt: More of the mess of curls.
hellomeghunt: Funny hair experimenting.
hellomeghunt: The silly yet cute fools I live with:
hellomeghunt: Levi-worm in outrage
hellomeghunt: Levi-worm
hellomeghunt: I am pretty certain I could fit her head in my mouth.
hellomeghunt: Another shot of Cobralevi hyperaticus
hellomeghunt: Finally, documentation of the rare beast, Cobralevi hyperaticus.
hellomeghunt: Look, it's Levooshka!
hellomeghunt: Yours truly.
hellomeghunt: My baby.
hellomeghunt: yours truly, permitting a photo be taken
hellomeghunt: city views, part fifty-two of a million
hellomeghunt: Brand new coat!