David Fast: everyone else knows its cheaper to board around the corner from the bus stand
David Fast: our old rattlebox of a bus
David Fast: waiting for a cup of chai
David Fast: welcome to India
David Fast: casual border crossing
David Fast: border town India
David Fast: yellow brick road
David Fast: view ovre our driver's shoulder
David Fast: fierce Kali
David Fast: Kali standing on Shiva
David Fast: good kitties
David Fast: the ghats were SO quiet
David Fast: boats on the Ganges at night
David Fast: hand pump in the house
David Fast: Varanasi lane with dogs
David Fast: Finally, truth in advertising
David Fast: life in Banares
David Fast: sea of people
David Fast: green sarong on the ghats
David Fast: fashion plate at the bathing ghats
David Fast: green and yellow house with red and white steps
David Fast: hello, goat
David Fast: drying clean sariees...on the dirt
David Fast: washing a dead body before cremation
David Fast: dhobi walla
David Fast: worshiping with a human skull
David Fast: striped shrine
David Fast: bathing at the ghats
David Fast: sarees
David Fast: rangoli