The Crop Trust: Safe Movement of Germplasm files in the documentation room, NPGRC
The Crop Trust: NPGRC files, Zambia
The Crop Trust: Dr Dickson Nguni, Deputy Director, Research Services, ZARI
The Crop Trust: Signage for the National Plant Genetic Resources Centre (NPGRC)
The Crop Trust: Womba Kamusaki, seed processor, NPGRC
The Crop Trust: Ngosa Bwalya, intern, NPGRC
The Crop Trust: Nora Harawa, auxilliary staff, NPGRC
The Crop Trust: Brian Gondwe, soil scientist, ZARI
The Crop Trust: The seed room at at the NPGRC
The Crop Trust: The seed room at at the NPGRC
The Crop Trust: Seed sample, NPGRC
The Crop Trust: Germinating seeds, NPGRC
The Crop Trust: Mathias Tembo, pathologist, ZARI
The Crop Trust: NPGRC staff in sorghum field
The Crop Trust: NPGRC staff in sorghum field
The Crop Trust: NPGRC staff in sorghum field
The Crop Trust: NPGRC staff in sorghum field
The Crop Trust: NPGRC staff in sorghum field
The Crop Trust: NPGRC staff evaluate sweet potato diversity
The Crop Trust: NPGRC staff evaluate sweet potato diversity
The Crop Trust: Evaluating Sweet Potato Diversity
The Crop Trust: Cowpea in field genebank, NPGRC
The Crop Trust: Evaluating cowpea diversity, NPGRC
The Crop Trust: Genebank data management, NPGRC
The Crop Trust: Genebank data management, NPGRC
The Crop Trust: Genebank data management, NPGRC
The Crop Trust: Part of genebank staff outside the NPGRC