croncast: betsy smith - the trip begins
croncast: 90 mile bathroom break
croncast: along for the ride
croncast: silo after silo
croncast: white wolf? bitchin dog
croncast: elliot checking the flames
croncast: oriental garden poppies worry me a bit
croncast: the last one
croncast: around the corner
croncast: gas station blues
croncast: up and down
croncast: been here a long time
croncast: this is new
croncast: busted half of'em
croncast: theraputic pool time
croncast: buffalo pasture
croncast: rental
croncast: on the corner
croncast: the view east
croncast: need a part?
croncast: better days
croncast: hoist and parts
croncast: hoop ballast
croncast: some more parts
croncast: new junk
croncast: bmx plate
croncast: turkey fryer
croncast: pride and joy
croncast: corvette
croncast: corvette badge