croncast: Welcome to Denver your hotel is O.K we swear
croncast: Highway 76 in Colorado
croncast: Road goes on and on
croncast: Check the engine?
croncast: Betsy and kids in the back of Slowsky
croncast: Nebraska is a windy state
croncast: The man hanging out at Kearney dealership as we wait
croncast: The one and only Smith family and the Slow One
croncast: Sums up the trip . . . rain while the sun was shining
croncast: Elliot in the rain
croncast: Maggie looking excited
croncast: Googenstein rocking out
croncast: Pop rocks
croncast: Betsy Smith my wife looking good
croncast: Slowsky at the first stop in Kearney
croncast: The long break in Kearney Nebraska waiting for the Slow One
croncast: Kris zones out
croncast: Hey hey Maggie
croncast: The wreck that was the slow one
croncast: I am bald