CROCS101: 90 simmers
CROCS101: The stable
CROCS101: 90 simmers
CROCS101: 90 simmers
CROCS101: 475 waits for inspection
CROCS101: 475 waits for inspection
CROCS101: Time for work
CROCS101: Time for work
CROCS101: Time for work
CROCS101: Wet Journals
CROCS101: Good Morning Ticketmaster
CROCS101: Original Charter
CROCS101: Dining in style
CROCS101: Early
CROCS101: Strasburg Pride
CROCS101: Size Matters
CROCS101: Time to prep for the day
CROCS101: A little more coal for the grates
CROCS101: 90 will have the work today.
CROCS101: #90 ready for duty
CROCS101: Ten Wheeler
CROCS101: Clean the ash pans
CROCS101: Exiting the stall
CROCS101: Who does #2 work for?
CROCS101: The logo from my childhood dreams
CROCS101: Exiting the stall
CROCS101: 2014?
CROCS101: What year?
CROCS101: Back for food.
CROCS101: Yesterday's steam