cristyn b: Megs dancing...
cristyn b: Sunshine Jones
cristyn b: Trevor has a nap
cristyn b: Claire found a patch of clover down by the river
cristyn b: Perfect place to rest
cristyn b: We really lucked out with the weather
cristyn b: Muddy red car
cristyn b: Backstage of a yurt
cristyn b: Dubtribe
cristyn b: Skratch Bastid performing
cristyn b: Festival watching
cristyn b: I am not my memories. I am my dreams.
cristyn b: my home for a weekend
cristyn b: Everyone's thinking about naptime by the river....
cristyn b: The cure for boredom is curiosity. There is no cure for curiosity.
cristyn b: Christy!
cristyn b: Claire
cristyn b: Sarah
cristyn b: hulahoopla!