cristyn b: Waterfront
cristyn b: Water Tower Politics
cristyn b: Toney River Sunset
cristyn b: Toney River
cristyn b: Three Pools
cristyn b: The fog rolls in....
cristyn b: The fog rolling in from Dartmouth
cristyn b: Sunset in Shubenacadie
cristyn b: Skyline
cristyn b: Shelburne, NS
cristyn b: Pumpkins!
cristyn b: Out of the old rises the new...
cristyn b: midafternoon at martinique!
cristyn b: Macdonald bridge, Dartmouth side
cristyn b: Left by the side of the road....
cristyn b: if you listen, you find a waterfall
cristyn b: I <3 My Grandma
cristyn b: Halifax vs Dartmouth
cristyn b: Halifax skyline
cristyn b: Guarding the '93 Tercel
cristyn b: Conrad's beach
cristyn b: Amanita citrina?
cristyn b: MacDonald Bridge