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2° giorno: La festa appena cominciata è già finita... - 2nd day: The party just started is already ended...
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Vista su Corno Bianco e Corno Nero - View to White and Black Horn
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Incanto lacustre - Lacustrine spell
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Luce, ombra e colore - Light, shadow and color
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Un castello "medioevale" a Torino - A castle "medieval" in Turin
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Mettete dei fiori sui vostri balconi! - You put of the flowers on your balconies!
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La Galleria di Diana - The Great Gallery
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L'abito della festa - The celebration's cloth
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Mary & Roxy: due bariste coi fiocchi! (...e soprattutto due grandi amiche!) - Mary & Roxy: two bartender with ribbons! (… and above all two great friends) -
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Museo Nazionale del Risorgimento Italiano - National Museum of Italian Risorgimento
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Il Duomo di Amalfi - The Amalfi's Dome
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CioccolaTO' 2009
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Palais de la Méditerranée
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Buon compleanno a me! - Happy birthday to me!
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Il cuore della Reggia - The heart of the Royal Palace
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Taggata! - Tagged!
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Duomo di San Giovanni - Saint John Dome
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Che la Forza sia con voi! - May the Force be with you!
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40th Earth Day
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Tramonto rosso sulle Dolomiti - Red Sunset over the Dolomites
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Colore e freschezza - Color and freshness
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Falzes - Pfalzen
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Buon Anniversario! - Happy Anniversary!
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"Suonala ancora Miles!" - "Play it again, Miles!"
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Cristalli di luce - Crystal light
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La casa dipinta - Painted house
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Le "torri" del Latemar - The Latemar's "towers"
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I putti fra i tulipani - The cherubs among the tulips
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Un altro compleanno con voi - Another birthday with you
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Regno dei fiori - Flowers' reign