ccarlstead: Monastic cells
ccarlstead: Hunder prayer wheel
ccarlstead: Rock engravings
ccarlstead: Chorten field
ccarlstead: Carved rocks
ccarlstead: Candle lit face
ccarlstead: Lit Buddha
ccarlstead: Old and new temple
ccarlstead: Up on the hillside
ccarlstead: Lamayuru festival
ccarlstead: Lamayuru festival 3
ccarlstead: Use me
ccarlstead: Dali Lama Photang
ccarlstead: A splash of color in a harsh landscape
ccarlstead: Mantreya Buddha
ccarlstead: Diskit Monastery
ccarlstead: Inside Diskit Monastery
ccarlstead: Lock
ccarlstead: Smiling monk
ccarlstead: Many peaks
ccarlstead: Above the clouds
ccarlstead: Nestled in the hills
ccarlstead: On the hillside above
ccarlstead: Leather prayer wheel
ccarlstead: Hemis Monastery
ccarlstead: Golden Buddha
ccarlstead: Spin the prayer wheel, ring the bell
ccarlstead: Stuppa
ccarlstead: Sunlit
ccarlstead: Hunder valley