ccarlstead: another one!
ccarlstead: The boarding house
ccarlstead: The only "wildlife" I've seen
ccarlstead: Electric Fence
ccarlstead: red
ccarlstead: Sun going down
ccarlstead: Towards J'burg
ccarlstead: neighboring development
ccarlstead: Fenced in
ccarlstead: Welcome to AISJ
ccarlstead: The main building
ccarlstead: beware...
ccarlstead: Wire face
ccarlstead: nailed
ccarlstead: The rock painting exhibit
ccarlstead: Hippo!
ccarlstead: Non-white shop
ccarlstead: National Cultural Museum
ccarlstead: This used to hang here.
ccarlstead: Respect Diversity
ccarlstead: Separate Entrances
ccarlstead: Nooses
ccarlstead: cute, huh?
ccarlstead: Ostrich!
ccarlstead: White lion cub
ccarlstead: Lion
ccarlstead: Mine!
ccarlstead: ugh, I don't think I'm hungry anymore
ccarlstead: Me too!
ccarlstead: I've got a leg!