ccarlstead: The Acropolis
ccarlstead: The Parthenon
ccarlstead: 8 April 2007
ccarlstead: Sun rising from the Parthenon
ccarlstead: The Parthenon
ccarlstead: 7 April 2007
ccarlstead: What's marching in?
ccarlstead: Guards ??
ccarlstead: Funky shoes
ccarlstead: Changing the flag
ccarlstead: Acropolis horse
ccarlstead: Framing the acropolis
ccarlstead: Temple of Olympian Zeus
ccarlstead: Temple of Olympian Zeus
ccarlstead: Good Friday
ccarlstead: Good Friday procession
ccarlstead: 6 April 2007
ccarlstead: Windows
ccarlstead: Gecko
ccarlstead: Roasting Lamb
ccarlstead: Church of Agia Marina
ccarlstead: Acropolis view
ccarlstead: Church of Agios Dimitrios Loumbardiaris
ccarlstead: Church bells
ccarlstead: In front of the Odeon of Agrippa
ccarlstead: Serpent tailed giant
ccarlstead: Temple of Hephaestus
ccarlstead: Looking through
ccarlstead: Sculpture
ccarlstead: The Stoa of Attalos