ccarlstead: The Goreme Mosque
ccarlstead: In Goreme town
ccarlstead: Can you see a face?
ccarlstead: In a carpet shop
ccarlstead: Unfurling a larger carpet
ccarlstead: Step 1: Throw the carpet
ccarlstead: Step 2: Carpet in mid air
ccarlstead: Step 3: Almost down
ccarlstead: Spinning a small carpet
ccarlstead: Throwing a carpet
ccarlstead: Above the entrance of a cave church
ccarlstead: The Dark Church
ccarlstead: In the Ihlara valley
ccarlstead: In the Ihlara valley
ccarlstead: In the Ihlara valley
ccarlstead: Fairy chimneys
ccarlstead: Goreme Fairy Chimneys
ccarlstead: fairy chimney
ccarlstead: The fairy chimney scenery in Goreme
ccarlstead: fairy chimney
ccarlstead: Lanterns
ccarlstead: Camel shaped fairy chimney
ccarlstead: Goreme (Rose Valley)
ccarlstead: Goreme Sunset
ccarlstead: Hot Air Balloons in the morning
ccarlstead: A cave church
ccarlstead: Paintings above a cave church entrance
ccarlstead: Goreme Scenery
ccarlstead: Goreme scenery
ccarlstead: More paintings in a cave church