M. Cristian Ioan:
thunderstorm w lighnings in Vitan
M. Cristian Ioan:
accident - Dacia 1300 - Oltcit
M. Cristian Ioan:
blocul de vziavi de Popieri este inca neterminat
M. Cristian Ioan:
Calea Vitan - Nucului - MBravu
M. Cristian Ioan:
Calea Vitan, spre M Bravu (2)
M. Cristian Ioan:
Calea Vitan, spre M Bravu zapada mai
M. Cristian Ioan:
flooding in the bedroom
M. Cristian Ioan:
Michoo exploring the wardrobe
M. Cristian Ioan:
Michoo helps with OrCAD
M. Cristian Ioan:
Michoo in storage room
M. Cristian Ioan:
thunderstorm w lighnings in Vitan