The White Collar Twitcher: 2018-10-29_07-11-07
The White Collar Twitcher: 2018-10-10_03-39-12
The White Collar Twitcher: 2018-08-04_09-04-40
The White Collar Twitcher: 2018-06-21_06-01-57
The White Collar Twitcher: Red-throated Loon
The White Collar Twitcher: Boat-tailed Grackle
The White Collar Twitcher: Purple Sandpiper
The White Collar Twitcher: Ruddy Turnstone
The White Collar Twitcher: Boat-tailed Grackle
The White Collar Twitcher: 2018-06-23_09-20-21
The White Collar Twitcher: 2018-06-22_11-05-00
The White Collar Twitcher: 2018-06-22_11-02-06
The White Collar Twitcher: Twelve-spotted Skimmer
The White Collar Twitcher: Delightful Bird Dropping Moth
The White Collar Twitcher: Eastern-tailed Blue