crispyteriyaki: Happy for Dye Time!
crispyteriyaki: Serious Art
crispyteriyaki: Dye Time
crispyteriyaki: Happy for Dye Time! Part 2
crispyteriyaki: Curt's 'Self-Portrait' Egg
crispyteriyaki: My Self-Portrait Egg
crispyteriyaki: Back of My 'Self-Portrait' Egg
crispyteriyaki: Getting Ready for the Hunt
crispyteriyaki: Reach, Rylie, Reach!
crispyteriyaki: Cute Egg
crispyteriyaki: Well-Hidden Egg
crispyteriyaki: Egg-Hunting
crispyteriyaki: Egg-Hunting?
crispyteriyaki: Easter Egg-Hunting, Part 2: Home Edition
crispyteriyaki: Gather 'Em Up!
crispyteriyaki: Counting the Loot
crispyteriyaki: It's Always a Good Idea . . .
crispyteriyaki: Decorating Cupcakes
crispyteriyaki: Rylie Takes Over
crispyteriyaki: My Cupcake
crispyteriyaki: Cupcakes!
crispyteriyaki: Brayden, Ready to Eat
crispyteriyaki: Danielle, Ready to Eat
crispyteriyaki: Rylie, Ready to Eat!
crispyteriyaki: The Decorating Team