crispyteriyaki: Casualty of Arts & Crafts
crispyteriyaki: Wrapping the 'Base' Box
crispyteriyaki: Piecing Together the Foam Half-Spheres
crispyteriyaki: All Glued Up
crispyteriyaki: Testing the Red LED Nose
crispyteriyaki: Testing the Bottom Half Light
crispyteriyaki: Testing the Top Half Light
crispyteriyaki: Making Use of Centerpiece
crispyteriyaki: Snowman in Traction
crispyteriyaki: Gluing Snowman to Base
crispyteriyaki: Gluing Snowman to Base
crispyteriyaki: Securing Snowman to Base
crispyteriyaki: Pressuring Snowman onto Base
crispyteriyaki: The Finished Product: Not Lit Up
crispyteriyaki: The Finished Product: Lit Up!
crispyteriyaki: The Finished Product, Backside, Lit Up
crispyteriyaki: Da Finished Product!
crispyteriyaki: Battery Compartment
crispyteriyaki: May Rose's Elvis Snowman
crispyteriyaki: May Rose's Elvis Snowman
crispyteriyaki: May Rose's Elvis Snowman
crispyteriyaki: May Rose's Elvis Snowman
crispyteriyaki: Tina's (and My) Bad Choir Snowmen
crispyteriyaki: Tina's (and My) Bad Choir Snowmen
crispyteriyaki: Tina's (and My) Bad Choir Snowmen
crispyteriyaki: Kim's Pirate Snowman (Back)
crispyteriyaki: Kim's Pirate Snowman (Back)
crispyteriyaki: Me and My Snowman
crispyteriyaki: Pam & Her Snowman
crispyteriyaki: I Can't Hear You!