crispyteriyaki: Danielle @ Kahana
crispyteriyaki: Paragliders @ Kahana Bay
crispyteriyaki: Kahana Bay
crispyteriyaki: Danielle @ Kahana
crispyteriyaki: Parasailer @ Kahana Bay
crispyteriyaki: Danielle Jumping
crispyteriyaki: Danielle & Katie
crispyteriyaki: Hello Kitty Imprint
crispyteriyaki: Katie & Danielle in the Water
crispyteriyaki: Danielle in the Water
crispyteriyaki: Danielle, Katie, Me & Zac in the Water
crispyteriyaki: Flickr Photogeeks!
crispyteriyaki: Ryan and the Coconut
crispyteriyaki: Camera Share
crispyteriyaki: Danielle & Zac, w/the Coconut
crispyteriyaki: More Photography Geekiness
crispyteriyaki: The Look
crispyteriyaki: Photography Geekiness Spreading to Children