crispyteriyaki: Amos and Laurie
crispyteriyaki: Adela, Nicole, Mary, Miles
crispyteriyaki: Peter and Dave
crispyteriyaki: Tree-Ripping
crispyteriyaki: Dave's "Tree"
crispyteriyaki: The Winning Ripped-Behind-Back Tree (by Gabriela)
crispyteriyaki: Hold 'Em Up!
crispyteriyaki: Amos Serves Spaghetti
crispyteriyaki: More Food!
crispyteriyaki: La Vie Boheme
crispyteriyaki: The Correct Answer Is . . .
crispyteriyaki: . . . C.
crispyteriyaki: Checking Answers
crispyteriyaki: Further Instructions
crispyteriyaki: Cheesy Garlic Bread
crispyteriyaki: Marjorie and Justin
crispyteriyaki: Me and Amos
crispyteriyaki: Our Friend Chianti ;o)
crispyteriyaki: Drawing on Head Game
crispyteriyaki: Drawing on Head Game
crispyteriyaki: Peter Draws on His Head
crispyteriyaki: Amos Draws on His Head
crispyteriyaki: Marjorie and Justin Draw
crispyteriyaki: Drawing on Head Game
crispyteriyaki: Laurie Reads Instructions
crispyteriyaki: The Winning Drawing (by Amos)
crispyteriyaki: Me Telling Tales
crispyteriyaki: Me Eyeing Peter