crispyparty: Partners in Crime Revisited
crispyparty: Band of Brothers
crispyparty: Stand in Line
crispyparty: Thank You Chivas Brothers
crispyparty: Bacardi Black
crispyparty: A couple of half emptys
crispyparty: I like 'em stout
crispyparty: I like 'em stout
crispyparty: Evil twin brother.
crispyparty: Partners in crime
crispyparty: Spoon or fork...
crispyparty: Absinthe makes the heart grow fonder...
crispyparty: Mahaba-haba-haba-habang inuman.
crispyparty: Bombay Bokeh
crispyparty: Long Island Iced Tea
crispyparty: It looks like water...
crispyparty: The Sweet Blend of Reserve