Steven Crisp: Carol models this fine looking Lazy Daze
Steven Crisp: Steven models the scenic Sierra mountains
Steven Crisp: A welcome respite from the steep descent toward Mono Lake
Steven Crisp: Thistle Dew Too greets the sun in Hartley Springs campground
Steven Crisp: Playing with light and shadows on an old-growth Jeffrey pine
Steven Crisp: Movie: 360º panorama of the Old Growth Jeffrey Pines
Steven Crisp: Carol is ready to hike the Obsidian Dome (in sneakers? Blame Steven ;-)
Steven Crisp: A large rubble of rock with occasional obsidian from volcanic activity
Steven Crisp: Steven scales a small mountain of obsidian
Steven Crisp: Top of the "mountain" against deep blue sky
Steven Crisp: In all this barren rock, behold the Tree of Life!
Steven Crisp: Odd trees at 9265 ft elevation
Steven Crisp: Someone's taking a telephoto shot
Steven Crisp: That's Mammoth Mountain chairlift with an 800mm zoom
Steven Crisp: And here it is barely visible to the right of Carol at 45mm (normal)
Steven Crisp: Steven had to pose too (36mm if you must know ;-)
Steven Crisp: Why is Steven inside the "weird trees"?
Steven Crisp: To capture this rather "weird" photo
Steven Crisp: And now what is he up to?
Steven Crisp: Interesting grain, texture, and light patterns
Steven Crisp: Intrepid bikers looking over the Minaret Vista Point
Steven Crisp: Carol beneath the Minaret mountains
Steven Crisp: And Steven again copies Carol -- so typical
Steven Crisp: The Minaret range comes a little closer
Steven Crisp: And the clouds were becoming pretty dramatic
Steven Crisp: They blew in fast over the Minarets
Steven Crisp: A new venue with Majestic Red Fir trees
Steven Crisp: Isn't she a beauty? And the tree looks nice too ;-)
Steven Crisp: The Earthquake Fault (or really, fissure)
Steven Crisp: They know this "fault" is at least 160 years old due to the tree growing within it.