crisaniaf: Views around the summer palace
crisaniaf: A Beijing rickshaw!
crisaniaf: Keith on The Wall
crisaniaf: The Great Wall
crisaniaf: Us and The Wall
crisaniaf: The Cheshire cat temple!
crisaniaf: The Forbidden City
crisaniaf: The not so Forbidden City
crisaniaf: The Forbidden Couple
crisaniaf: The Forbidden Photo
crisaniaf: Mr Miaggie
crisaniaf: Tiannanmen Square
crisaniaf: More Forbiddeness
crisaniaf: Tiannanmen Square Flagpole
crisaniaf: Jade Bridge in the Summer palace
crisaniaf: And more Forbidden city...
crisaniaf: Bridge at the Summer Palace
crisaniaf: Girl playing with a forbidden door
crisaniaf: Pavilion at the Summer Palace
crisaniaf: Westerners to the left, Chinese to the right!
crisaniaf: Forbidden Cris
crisaniaf: Keith lost in the Forbidden City
crisaniaf: Chinese caligraphy at the summer palace