crisaniaf: Buddha's under construction
crisaniaf: Cris with her taxi
crisaniaf: Monks receiving alms
crisaniaf: Cris in the ancient teak monastery
crisaniaf: Keith in the ancient teak monastery
crisaniaf: Ancient Teak Monastry
crisaniaf: Doorway to the ancient temple
crisaniaf: Stuppa & rice paddy
crisaniaf: Cris in the riverboat
crisaniaf: Sunset on the river
crisaniaf: The happy couple!
crisaniaf: Cris and a star cola
crisaniaf: Cris and the Stuppa
crisaniaf: Sunset on the river boat
crisaniaf: Amarapura bridge, the longest wooden bridge in the world!
crisaniaf: Cris on Mandalay hill
crisaniaf: 100,000 Kyats, or about $100
crisaniaf: The ruined and unfinished stuppa
crisaniaf: On top of the ruined, unfinished Stuppa
crisaniaf: The temple from the front of our guidebook!
crisaniaf: Keith makes a new friend!
crisaniaf: Keith trying on a skirt
crisaniaf: Our Trishaw driver!
crisaniaf: Keith just before he was hit by a bus!!!