crisaniaf: Cris in a Chinese assembly hall
crisaniaf: Keith looking for a phrase to say to his aunty Chun Li
crisaniaf: Hoi An's market people
crisaniaf: Old French colonial house
crisaniaf: Old Chinese house
crisaniaf: Instead of hello moto, hello boat
crisaniaf: Street vendor (his stall was playing Boney M at the time!!)
crisaniaf: Keith and his ICE cool beer!
crisaniaf: Back of an old house with man trying to get money for the photo...
crisaniaf: Cris que guapa!!
crisaniaf: Vietnam produces wine??
crisaniaf: Anyone for a lantern?
crisaniaf: My Son Cham temple in the rain
crisaniaf: Shiva godess of Catalonia
crisaniaf: Shiva, Cris and a BOMB!
crisaniaf: Dinner with Cintia and Jules