criminal_records: Another hastily scribbled flyer for Sunday's @rookiemag meet-up at @criminalrecords. I should've pulled out the highlighters for some flair.
criminal_records: Sunday! This is happening. (XOXO to @DandQ, @rookiemag, and @tavitulle, of course.)
criminal_records: It's here!!! @Rookiemag Yearbook One from @DandQ. #Rookiemag meet-up & book party this Sunday at the shop.
criminal_records: Too busy this weekend to make flyers for our @Rookiemag meet-up so I've been handwriting invites when I can. ☺
criminal_records: Just noticed @tavitulle on the cover of @bust_magazine. Release date for @rookiemag's book is 9/4. Party?
criminal_records: Just realized 2 of my faves, @catpower and @janellemonae, are in the Tomboy Style book. Perfection!
criminal_records: Met w/ the lovely ladies of @bofcreative (Jessi & Christina) today about something cool happening next month!
criminal_records: Working from @ticketalternative's office, just because. And reading @juxtapozmag is part of my work. #jobperk
criminal_records: Excitement!
criminal_records: Just remembered #ForAGoodTimeCall opens in ATL today. Giving away these things on IG (one is autographed by @AGraynor @jamietravis @IamLaurenMiller @itskatieanne). See the movie and then guess what my favorite part is to enter the drawing. xo Lil