criminal_records: Adventure Time#6
criminal_records: Finding Gossamyr #1
criminal_records: Fatima: The Blood Spinners
criminal_records: Night of 1,000 Wolves #3
criminal_records: Uncanny X-Men #16
criminal_records: Wonder Woman #11
criminal_records: Not The Israel My Parents Promised Me- Harvey Pekar
criminal_records: The Adventures of Venus- Gilbert Hernandez
criminal_records: Captain Marvel #1
criminal_records: American Elf Book 4- James Kochalka
criminal_records: Hymns & Wretched Offerings to The Golden Ones- Jim Pavelec
criminal_records: Jack Davis: Drawing Pop Culture
criminal_records: My favorite detail from today's new comics. Altho if there were a breakfast burrito on the cover of Fables...