Lars Plougmann: Flying AA - DSCN4161
Lars Plougmann: Back in NYC - DSCN4214
Lars Plougmann: Marla and Scott - DSCN4224
Lars Plougmann: Party crowd - DSCN4227
Lars Plougmann: Improving mobile coverage - P1030296
Lars Plougmann: You can leave your hat on
Lars Plougmann: Just $2 - DSCN4228
Lars Plougmann: The Grey Dog
Lars Plougmann: Brunch at the Grey Dog - DSCN4229
Lars Plougmann: Yellow is a kinetic state
Lars Plougmann: The NYC fun crowd - P1030368
Lars Plougmann: Racing up Columbus Ave in a yellow cab
Lars Plougmann: Bin 71 - P1030532
Lars Plougmann: NYPD chat
Lars Plougmann: Sherlock - P1030305
Lars Plougmann: Whitetip - P1030310
Lars Plougmann: On the phone
Lars Plougmann: Airplane window
Lars Plougmann: MacBook battery life