Pata 75: Le mie Converse Lilla ^_^ a Creta
Pata 75: Close up - far distances
Pata 75: Heracklion - Krete "The old market"
Pata 75: Sunset on the swimming pool
Pata 75: Crossed colours
Pata 75: Le mie Converse Lilla bagnate a Mirabilandia ^_^
Pata 75: E' arrivataaaaa!!!
Pata 75: "E' arrivata la nostra nave"
Pata 75: Roma - Piazza della Repubblica
Pata 75: Grillo parlante
Pata 75: Colours and freshness
Pata 75: Lausanne
Pata 75: Internal life
Pata 75: GP Monza 2006
Pata 75: Miramare - castello
Pata 75: Hamburg Hautbahnof
Pata 75: Three... ready to go
Pata 75: Hamburg Hautbahnof
Pata 75: USA - Miniaturewunderland
Pata 75: USA - Miniaturewunderland
Pata 75: AUSTRIA - Miniaturewunderland
Pata 75: SVIZZERA - Miniaturewunderland
Pata 75: SVIZZERA - Miniaturewunderland
Pata 75: A Normal Sunday Morning in Italy
Pata 75: Flowers tanning
Pata 75: Among the clouds
Pata 75: Happy water
Pata 75: Una donna in ogni porto
Pata 75: Nowhereland