Pata 75: Colours
Pata 75: Waiting while raining
Pata 75: Una notte sul fiume
Pata 75: Una notte sul fiume
Pata 75: Una notte sul fiume
Pata 75: It's writing time
Pata 75: It's writing time
Pata 75: It's writing time
Pata 75: It's writing time
Pata 75: The sky
Pata 75: The sky
Pata 75: Grillo parlante
Pata 75: Porto di Ostia
Pata 75: Tramonto a KeyWest (Ostia)
Pata 75: Fresh coloured drinks
Pata 75: Guessing
Pata 75: 1975
Pata 75: Waiting Christmas Times
Pata 75: Under the Porch
Pata 75: Don't wake me up...
Pata 75: Io e Lui
Pata 75: Finding a light
Pata 75: Screaming aloud
Pata 75: My personal seaside
Pata 75: Nothing else
Pata 75: Lowdownskyline
Pata 75: Tasting
Pata 75: Reddish
Pata 75: Two great love of mine