Jorma McCracken: My new little bunny, Loki =)
Jorma McCracken: Loki, sitting in his makeshift litter box =)
Jorma McCracken: Sleepy Loki
Jorma McCracken: Loki, sitting nicely on my lap =)
Jorma McCracken: Grooming =)
Jorma McCracken: Adorable ears
Jorma McCracken: Flopped by the video game shelf
Jorma McCracken: The mischievous donut thief
Jorma McCracken: Innocent face
Jorma McCracken: Listening
Jorma McCracken: Exploring the bed
Jorma McCracken: Friends ♥
Jorma McCracken: Loki Buns
Jorma McCracken: Loki, being a lovely fellow ♥
Jorma McCracken: "I can read!" ~Loki
Jorma McCracken: "I readeth your puny mind, beast of purple!" ~Loki
Jorma McCracken: The Stare ~Loki's mind powers
Jorma McCracken: Simple Days in a Simple Life ~Loki
Jorma McCracken: Silly Loki, playing with his tubes
Jorma McCracken: Just little Loki ♥
Jorma McCracken: New photos, yay =)
Jorma McCracken: Pretty boy ♥
Jorma McCracken: Curious of me
Jorma McCracken: Loki and his banana
Jorma McCracken: The Bun-muffin
Jorma McCracken: Merry Christmas from Santa Buns =)
Jorma McCracken: The "I am not amused" expression