Jorma McCracken: Early Christmas surprise! From mum!
Jorma McCracken: Such large eyes... ^-^
Jorma McCracken: Look at that beautiful stripe!
Jorma McCracken: Such a pretty baby
Jorma McCracken: First tamas zuwari! + his name has been decided!
Jorma McCracken: I shall master the art of cuteness... and with it, rule the world!
Jorma McCracken: I wonder what's out there?... ~ Willoughby ^-^
Jorma McCracken: Eating a yogurt drop from my hand
Jorma McCracken: Bright-eyed baby
Jorma McCracken: Willoughby the Christmas hamster ^-^
Jorma McCracken: Silly Willoughby
Jorma McCracken: I wonder what I will get for Christmas...
Jorma McCracken: "I likes this box"
Jorma McCracken: Oh, hello there! =)
Jorma McCracken: Among the shadows..
Jorma McCracken: *Little Willoughby*
Jorma McCracken: Sweet little guy he is <3
Jorma McCracken: Silly Willoughby's yoga time- leg stretches!
Jorma McCracken: Little poser
Jorma McCracken: climbing up my shirt! =)
Jorma McCracken: Very tiny baby
Jorma McCracken: May I come out now?...o.o
Jorma McCracken: Willoughby the literate hamster! =)
Jorma McCracken: I like to read!
Jorma McCracken: If I can't see you, you can't see me!
Jorma McCracken: Little bookworm ^-^
Jorma McCracken: Hanging out in the spine of my book, naughty little guy!
Jorma McCracken: Willoughby!
Jorma McCracken: OMG!....