Jorma McCracken: sleeping Billie Jean
Jorma McCracken: tired Shingo
Jorma McCracken: My sketch of Willa, the world's cutest hamster!
Jorma McCracken: Billie Jean scared
Jorma McCracken: hamster card
Jorma McCracken: Szarotka tribute
Jorma McCracken: stub again
Jorma McCracken: storm clouds
Jorma McCracken: fire in the sky
Jorma McCracken: meerkat looking up
Jorma McCracken: "Hello!"
Jorma McCracken: Billie Jean and all his cuteness
Jorma McCracken: Billie Jean "escaping"
Jorma McCracken: Cinder Block
Jorma McCracken: Sleepy Cinder block
Jorma McCracken: Light through the clouds
Jorma McCracken: Awsome sun rays
Jorma McCracken: beautiful storm clouds
Jorma McCracken: Pretty magnolia tree
Jorma McCracken: Close up of one of the flowers
Jorma McCracken: Little Lightning
Jorma McCracken: Billie Jean