Valued Sony Customer: 15/365 - The Project
Valued Sony Customer: The copper tubing removed from the CCU
Valued Sony Customer: Final assembly
Valued Sony Customer: A classmate's flaming arches
Valued Sony Customer: Corrigan's flaming arrow
Valued Sony Customer: Another Classmate's Flaming Heart
Valued Sony Customer: Accumulator Assembly
Valued Sony Customer: Accumulator Assembly
Valued Sony Customer: Accumulator Assembly
Valued Sony Customer: Accumulator Assembly
Valued Sony Customer: Accumulator Assembly
Valued Sony Customer: Accumulator Assembly
Valued Sony Customer: Accumulator Assembly
Valued Sony Customer: Accumulator Assembly
Valued Sony Customer: Accumulator Assembly
Valued Sony Customer: Accumulator Assembly
Valued Sony Customer: Getting ready...
Valued Sony Customer: Only the pilot light lit
Valued Sony Customer: It made pretty little mushroom clouds too :)