Crfullmoon: Look!
Crfullmoon: Hard-to-see Dragonfly
Crfullmoon: Elusive green dragon - immature male or female Eastern Pondhawk?
Crfullmoon: Damselfly
Crfullmoon: One of this evenings Dragonflies
Crfullmoon: Sunbathing at the pond
Crfullmoon: Green on green
Crfullmoon: dragon on a wire
Crfullmoon: elusive yellow dragonfly
Crfullmoon: Nothing to see here, move on...excuse us...
Crfullmoon: Another dragonfly, the hawk of the pond...
Crfullmoon: Dragonflies have been around for over 300 million years!
Crfullmoon: Dragonfly
Crfullmoon: Dragonfly on guard at the raspberry patch
Crfullmoon: Caught a closer pic of the elusive yellow dragonfly, before coffee
Crfullmoon: Too hot to catch too many rays...
Crfullmoon: haven't noticed this little one before
Crfullmoon: Why does it chomp its jaws at me?
Crfullmoon: What big eyes you have!
Crfullmoon: Something on the tail, there?
Crfullmoon: Easy to see this one
Crfullmoon: Dragonfly on a cloudy hot day
Crfullmoon: catacorner brick and dragonfly
Crfullmoon: How close can I get, before it flies away?
Crfullmoon: Yes! I got it!
Crfullmoon: Dragonfly enjoying July
Crfullmoon: Dragonfly on hazelnut leaf
Crfullmoon: Red Dragonfly