Crfullmoon: This was a huge wasp and startled me by flying past my ear
Crfullmoon: Wasp with its Cicada searching for its burrow
Crfullmoon: Saga of the cicada-hunter Wasp
Crfullmoon: Here's what the cicada-killer wasp's burrow opening looked like
Crfullmoon: Today here's the Cicada-killer wasp's burrow
Crfullmoon: Cicada-Killer Wasp made a new burrow!
Crfullmoon: Cicada-killer Wasp
Crfullmoon: Wasp sand castle
Crfullmoon: Favorite dry perch on dewy mornings
Crfullmoon: What rain does to a wasp burrow
Crfullmoon: there are three different burrows so far
Crfullmoon: addition to a burrow
Crfullmoon: oops - dropped cicada
Crfullmoon: doomed cicada
Crfullmoon: don't see that mislaid cicada this morning anywhere...
Crfullmoon: Displaced sand
Crfullmoon: 5th cicada wasp burrow I've noticed
Crfullmoon: additional excavation evidence
Crfullmoon: recent cicada-drag
Crfullmoon: Another evening cicada delivery
Crfullmoon: Wasp comes back with groceries to find
Crfullmoon: Covering about 2 square feet, she drug the cicada and searched, and searched
Crfullmoon: Finally !
Crfullmoon: It was a good year for wasp burrows
Crfullmoon: "Only a shell of his former self"