Crfullmoon: Contorted Hazelnut in snow
Crfullmoon: Contorted hazelnut in snow, again
Crfullmoon: Contorted Hazelnut no Spring in Sight
Crfullmoon: Contorted hazelnut -No snow!!
Crfullmoon: Spring!
Crfullmoon: Leafed-out Contorted Hazelnut
Crfullmoon: ID please; who's been nibbling my hazel and building these?
Crfullmoon: Sunset through hazel leaf
Crfullmoon: Contorted Hazelnut
Crfullmoon: Spring catkins
Crfullmoon: Spring and a lot of light, given the rainstorm on its way
Crfullmoon: Crazy Spring
Crfullmoon: Tree snake!
Crfullmoon: If not stopped, these will kill my contorted hazelnuts
Crfullmoon: here's where the larvae pupate
Crfullmoon: thinking of photo fiddler
Crfullmoon: Amaze-ing
Crfullmoon: Spring is too cold
Crfullmoon: A bit warmer
Crfullmoon: Spring - break in the rain
Crfullmoon: Spring has sprung
Crfullmoon: Another nor'easter Morning