Crfullmoon: Learn from history
Crfullmoon: Hen and Rooster
Crfullmoon: A Mille Fleur Hen
Crfullmoon: Line before seasonal influenza vaccine clinic opened
Crfullmoon: Keeping order in the parking lot at an influenza vaccination clinic
Crfullmoon: "History may not repeat itself, but it does rhyme a lot." ~ Mark (Samuel Langhorne Clemens) Twain
Crfullmoon: Washington DC, WWI, Influenza Pandemic
Crfullmoon: Learn from history
Crfullmoon: Learn from history
Crfullmoon: The Flu Wiki turned 1 year old this month
Crfullmoon: Much more to be found at The Flu Wiki
Crfullmoon: Good Luck!
Crfullmoon: CDC is requesting public comment on prioritization of distribution of very limited pre-pandemic and pandemic vaccines
Crfullmoon: Einstein quoting FiddlerDave
Crfullmoon: Einstein quoting NJ Homeland Security Director
Crfullmoon: Only hot spot today
Crfullmoon: New Posts: 5-Week Blog in progress on Pandemic Flu Leadership
Crfullmoon: "Best Practices and Model Protocols"
Crfullmoon: More important to address family impacts and prepare, "public education... required prior" pdf p 6
Crfullmoon: Not "policy" - just "Best Practices and Model Protocols" from their experts
Crfullmoon: So many good questions need discussing
Crfullmoon: Problem is, the public wasn't told to be ready
Crfullmoon: Do essential workplaces have at least 90 days of stockpiles ?
Crfullmoon: "What if.."