Crfullmoon: Camo-frog, hiding from me
Crfullmoon: Mr. Goldfinch
Crfullmoon: Nuthatch
Crfullmoon: Same variety of frog, but larger now!
Crfullmoon: Beautiful frog!
Crfullmoon: Guess who came to dinner!
Crfullmoon: Mama deer looking thin from raising twins
Crfullmoon: Can you see the squirrel?
Crfullmoon: Junco
Crfullmoon: New Year's Day Wren & New Snow
Crfullmoon: Lurking for a turn at the suet
Crfullmoon: Woodpecker
Crfullmoon: Unwelcome varmint
Crfullmoon: Right under my window !
Crfullmoon: "My" little Chickadee!
Crfullmoon: Worried wren,
Crfullmoon: Sunning bluejay
Crfullmoon: What I don't want to see in my birdfeeder...
Crfullmoon: Fox sparrow
Crfullmoon: Junco
Crfullmoon: Both male and female came today
Crfullmoon: Snack attack!
Crfullmoon: Breakfasting bird
Crfullmoon: Long visit from the mockingbird
Crfullmoon: Lilac is pretty for flowers but bad for bird photos
Crfullmoon: It's baaaack !
Crfullmoon: The Nuthatches at breakfast
Crfullmoon: These two stayed in the woods
Crfullmoon: Female goldfinch
Crfullmoon: Lilac bush isn't leafed out yet