rawart90: 125 x 6
rawart90: 145 x 2
rawart90: 145 x 1 clean & seated press
rawart90: Vanity--Vanity--all is Vanity!
rawart90: Crunches
rawart90: Leg Raises
rawart90: seated curls 125 x 5
rawart90: 125 x 5
rawart90: 125 x 7
rawart90: 206 x 2
rawart90: 200 x 4
rawart90: 125 x 5 ( press behind neck )
rawart90: set # 2 pbn--125 x 5
rawart90: my Dr. Jeckel & Mr. Hyde formula
rawart90: Weigh Station
rawart90: 135 x 4
rawart90: 190 in the dark ( blowup these to full screen! )
rawart90: hugging the joist
rawart90: Seated curls with 135 lbs
rawart90: 130 x 4 heavy curls
rawart90: 200 lbs in the shadows
rawart90: warmup 115 x 8
rawart90: Repping with 205
rawart90: another set
rawart90: leg raises to floorboards
rawart90: 140 lb curl @ 58 yrs old
rawart90: Man behind the veil
rawart90: Coming out of my cocoon
rawart90: Creeped my wife out!
rawart90: The Boneyard