creativestudiosfoto: fireman jerrold b&w
creativestudiosfoto: fireman jerrold 2
creativestudiosfoto: boy---he was a mover and a shaker
creativestudiosfoto: Love the hair.....
creativestudiosfoto: Taking this image to the EXTREME!
creativestudiosfoto: LOVE dimples!!!
creativestudiosfoto: Kate with ATTITUDE!
creativestudiosfoto: Kate is strong
creativestudiosfoto: Kate is quainte
creativestudiosfoto: Kate is cute!
creativestudiosfoto: a few days before turning 8---reflecting on the age of 7
creativestudiosfoto: Who loves me??
creativestudiosfoto: Off to the races....hey, who stole our wheels?
creativestudiosfoto: All my eggs in one basket
creativestudiosfoto: "Al, pick up in aisle 3"
creativestudiosfoto: middle child gone wild
creativestudiosfoto: my 2 girls...can you tell someone is through with this shoot?
creativestudiosfoto: flopped down and here I am
creativestudiosfoto: fireman jerrold
creativestudiosfoto: Mike H---imitating life as a photographer
creativestudiosfoto: IMG_6109 sq
creativestudiosfoto: lovely little dimples
creativestudiosfoto: Winning Photo-411 Marketsource photo contest
creativestudiosfoto: STOP--look and listen