Tina Stanley: The Brides attendants...
Tina Stanley: The grooms attendants...
Tina Stanley: Brides maids...
Tina Stanley: You may kiss the Bride(2)...
Tina Stanley: You may kiss the Bride...
Tina Stanley: Introducing...
Tina Stanley: Place setting...
Tina Stanley: Dinner setting...
Tina Stanley: Table bouquets...
Tina Stanley: And the Bride...
Tina Stanley: The Groom...
Tina Stanley: Glassware...
Tina Stanley: Drinks are served.
Tina Stanley: Toasts...
Tina Stanley: May I have this dance?
Tina Stanley: First dance.
Tina Stanley: Swinging round the dance floor...
Tina Stanley: The groom and bride big dip...
Tina Stanley: Father and daughter dance...
Tina Stanley: Mother and Son dance...
Tina Stanley: Candlelit flower...
Tina Stanley: And still more dancing...
Tina Stanley: Fun times with the officiant
Tina Stanley: Celebration with Mom of the groom.
Tina Stanley: ...and dancing some more.
Tina Stanley: Dancing...
Tina Stanley: Bouquet toss fake-out...
Tina Stanley: Words of advise to the Bride about garter removals...
Tina Stanley: Bouquet and Garter toss winners!
Tina Stanley: Bouquet and garter toss winners!