3 Jan: A worm's eye view of Fanfare, a kinetic statue. This is a 6 second exposure taken through 10 stops of ND.
Jan 6: The day after Twelfth Night and it's time to hoover up the mess. Thing is, our tree is artificial...
Jan 7: Seen in JB Hi-Fi. I pity the Goblin King; does he have enough wi-fi to keep all the kids amused?
Jan 10: Black and White. The supermarket car park, pedestrian as it is, is full of perspective.
Jan 11: I set out to photograph a spiderweb, but I ended up capturing a composition offered by these few tangled silk threads.
Jan 13: "Honestly," she said after typing on my computer, "you don't need a password. Your funny keyboard and mouse are enough!"
Jan 14: Empty Space: The vastness of the Canterbury Plains, punctuated only by the trappings of civilisation.
Jan 18: Painting with light: Messing around with directional off-camera flash. (The bear is the real star.)
Jan 19: Bug in the system! I got round to taking my mouse apart for a clean and discovered what looks like a shed skin.
Jan 23: Frozen in time. Water droplets from a fountain, as if diamonds falling from the sky.
Jan 24: Converging lines. The Lyttelton freight sidings, with deliberately radical processing.
Jan 26: Mega-merge macro mayhem... Three bracketed exposures at each of 4 different focal lengths. I merged them as focus stacks, then to HDR to bring out the shadows. If you care to zoom in, you will see the result is not wholly consistent in its focus.
Jan 27: This spiderweb appeared overnight, beautifully oriented to be framed by the tree behind.
Jan 28: Now that it's varnished, the table I made at New Year is complete. It may end up as an outdoor table, but for now it's in the sitting room, and already covered in stuff...
Jan 29: Reflections. I don't want to think about how a rendering engine would react to a scene like this; I think I can see some fourth-order reflections in there...
Jan 30: This was originally intended as a terrible pun ("tree", as I framed for three subjects) and playing with the Rule of Odds – but the phone cam picked up lovely shadow detail in the tree bark which took over. The background may be blown out but it f