Crazy Rider: Lumber for the veggie beds
Crazy Rider: Before the work
Crazy Rider: Before the work
Crazy Rider: My digging tools
Crazy Rider: My rain boots
Crazy Rider: Cut the sprinkler pipe
Crazy Rider: A little plumbing work
Crazy Rider: A little paint work
Crazy Rider: Bender board
Crazy Rider: Paint jos is done
Crazy Rider: Measure the area that i dont need to dig
Crazy Rider: Digging in progress
Crazy Rider: U-save rockery has good stufg
Crazy Rider: My field rock and gravel stones
Crazy Rider: Red tag with my name on it
Crazy Rider: Line for leveling
Crazy Rider: First veggie bed is assembled
Crazy Rider: Harley helping digging
Crazy Rider: Good helper
Crazy Rider: First veggie bed is set
Crazy Rider: All 3 beds are set
Crazy Rider: Dripping line setup
Crazy Rider: The 3/4" pvc pipe is for protection
Crazy Rider: More digging
Crazy Rider: After digging and leveling are done, now setting landscape fabric
Crazy Rider: Finally, placing the gravel stones
Crazy Rider: And the one-n-only field rock
Crazy Rider: Now it looks much better