crazybrave: Reclaiming from the grass with thyme, shallots, lemon balm and borage
crazybrave: white-flowering borage seedlings
crazybrave: purslane as an understory for the corn
crazybrave: another volunteer punkin
crazybrave: tansy
crazybrave: punkin arch
crazybrave: yellow wax beans, my favourite. Borlottis with the corn
crazybrave: zucchinis, beans, corn, majoram and perennial rocket
crazybrave: volunteer punkin
crazybrave: asparagus ferning
crazybrave: Nicolas in the bath, Dutch Creams in the Aldi beds. Chook fence lacks the charm of Tammi's
crazybrave: comfrey and lemon balm
crazybrave: red-veined sorrel still struggling
crazybrave: lovage has broken itself, mangel wurzel gone to seed behind taking up huge space
crazybrave: feral corners
crazybrave: unco-operative, but productive, cucumbers
crazybrave: Jerusalem artichokes taller than me now
crazybrave: violetta
crazybrave: green globe?
crazybrave: Pomegranate & repotted nettles
crazybrave: new artichokes on the way
crazybrave: flowering chicory forest
crazybrave: compost and comfrey
crazybrave: that triangular thing is the chook shed
crazybrave: 27012013