crazyauntpurl: This much luggage for a three day trip.
crazyauntpurl: View from the plane
crazyauntpurl: comfy room -- Hotel Alda
crazyauntpurl: My cute Seattle author's escort Sandra. Hi!!!
crazyauntpurl: Poor thing has to be repeatedly photographed by crazylady.
crazyauntpurl: me & Dina Molina
crazyauntpurl: rockstar TV intern Dina Molina
crazyauntpurl: KING NBC channel in Seattle
crazyauntpurl: Joyce Taylor and moi
crazyauntpurl: The green room is really green!
crazyauntpurl: Northwest Afternoon's green room
crazyauntpurl: I apparently love this green room.
crazyauntpurl: Actually, I had not realized any of the pictures were taking.
crazyauntpurl: So I kept clicking away!
crazyauntpurl: Gah. Yes. The bazillionth green room mirror pic.
crazyauntpurl: Then again, how often am I in a green green room?
crazyauntpurl: Green chair in green room.
crazyauntpurl: Beth Holloway & me
crazyauntpurl: Northwest Afternoon live TV audience!
crazyauntpurl: Northwest afternoon set
crazyauntpurl: View from Cutter's at lunch - Seattle
crazyauntpurl: Sandra & me at lunch
crazyauntpurl: Our cute server who let me get drunk at 11 a.m.
crazyauntpurl: Tricoter - me & Linden
crazyauntpurl: Beryl, me, Linen at Tricoter
crazyauntpurl: Tricoter - Seattle pretty yarn shop
crazyauntpurl: Gorgeous Julie at Tricoter
crazyauntpurl: Julie & Sandra talk knitting!
crazyauntpurl: Tricoter arranged by color!
crazyauntpurl: Knitting @ Tricoter