ranimal: Giant Frosty
ranimal: Yummm!
ranimal: Awww Riiiight....
ranimal: Documenting the chaos that's about to ensue
ranimal: A new purse to carry around all of her new 2011 money
ranimal: Guitar Shirt
ranimal: Eskimo Dad
ranimal: Grandma likes jewelry
ranimal: Senor Pedro
ranimal: I've seen that 'stache before
ranimal: Not sure that's her best look
ranimal: Sis and Wiggy getting festive
ranimal: G + P supervising
ranimal: He IS smiling...
ranimal: The fam and our pet fish
ranimal: A not so sunny day upon my arrival in PR
ranimal: My humble abode
ranimal: Great apt overlooking San Juan
ranimal: Gutentag!
ranimal: Tropical fauna atop El Yunque
ranimal: Deep in the rain forest
ranimal: Atop a tower on the peak of El Yunque
ranimal: Quite a view
ranimal: Bamboo chutes
ranimal: Amazing fernage
ranimal: Surprisingly, these vines could not support my weight
ranimal: A gigantic tree cut to clear the trail
ranimal: A tree native to spain that was illegal to take outside of the country
ranimal: tree.
ranimal: Old San Juan