ranimal: shipwrecked
ranimal: Munky loves the beach!
ranimal: Ok, so maybe not so deserted
ranimal: I guess it's not so bad after all
ranimal: The harsh terrain made it tough to navigate
ranimal: We barely made it out of here alive
ranimal: pretty girl
ranimal: Time to snooze
ranimal: Darkness setting in
ranimal: Is that rolling thunder in the distance
ranimal: Hark, an exotic flower!
ranimal: perhaps too beautiful?
ranimal: So I stuck it behind Erika's ear
ranimal: Could the island be inhabited by wild beasts?
ranimal: The tundra is expansive
ranimal: The heat has taken us to near exhaustion
ranimal: No shelter in sight
ranimal: What's this...?
ranimal: it's poo...
ranimal: Alas! I've found the beasts
ranimal: They can sense my presence
ranimal: He could charge at any second
ranimal: But wait...
ranimal: Escape?
ranimal: ahhh!
ranimal: They look so docile
ranimal: Munky fears the wild beasts
ranimal: He's about to charge!!!
ranimal: We narrowly escaped with our lives