CratersoftheMoonNPS: Visitor Center Master Plan Cover Sheet Rendering
CratersoftheMoonNPS: Utility Building Under Construction
CratersoftheMoonNPS: Utility Building Construction - 1957
CratersoftheMoonNPS: Utility Building After Construction - 1958
CratersoftheMoonNPS: Craters of the Moon Utility Building
CratersoftheMoonNPS: Utility Building Inventory Card
CratersoftheMoonNPS: Utility Building
CratersoftheMoonNPS: Utility Building (Back)
CratersoftheMoonNPS: Utility Building (Back)
CratersoftheMoonNPS: CRMO P70007
CratersoftheMoonNPS: CRMO P70006
CratersoftheMoonNPS: CRMO P70005
CratersoftheMoonNPS: CRMO P140004
CratersoftheMoonNPS: CRMO P70010
CratersoftheMoonNPS: CRMO P70009
CratersoftheMoonNPS: CRMO P70008
CratersoftheMoonNPS: CRMO P70015
CratersoftheMoonNPS: CRMO P70016
CratersoftheMoonNPS: CRMO P140007- Park Housing
CratersoftheMoonNPS: CRMO P140006- Park Housing
CratersoftheMoonNPS: CRMO P70017- Park Housing
CratersoftheMoonNPS: CRMO P70014- Park Housing
CratersoftheMoonNPS: CRMO P70013- Park Housing
CratersoftheMoonNPS: CRMO P140011
CratersoftheMoonNPS: CRMO P140010
CratersoftheMoonNPS: CRMO P140009
CratersoftheMoonNPS: CRMO P70001