sherylhs: 365 - day 1
sherylhs: Day 2 - at work.
sherylhs: Day 3 - My cleaning buddy.
sherylhs: Day 4 - the Mom in me.
sherylhs: Day 5 - the wife in me.
sherylhs: Day 6 - M&M's
sherylhs: Day 7 - My inner grump
sherylhs: day 10 - 365 days
sherylhs: Friday night tired 1
sherylhs: Day 9 - 365 days - Friday night tired 2
sherylhs: Day 11 - 365
sherylhs: Day 12 - 365 - Sleepless in Auburn Hills.
sherylhs: Day 14 - 365 Just in from work
sherylhs: Day 13 - 365 - End of a long day
sherylhs: Day 16 - Friday night
sherylhs: Day 17 - Learning some Photoshop
sherylhs: Day 19 - Monday night family time
sherylhs: Day 18 - Sunday's are for slippers
sherylhs: Day 20 - sleepless nights
sherylhs: Day 22 - drained on Thanksgiving evening
sherylhs: Day 21 - Really have to start wearing makeup.
sherylhs: Day 23 - How I spent my day
sherylhs: Day 24 - cleaning out my closet
sherylhs: Day 30 - Friday night (post Sweetwater)
sherylhs: Day 29
sherylhs: Day 28
sherylhs: Day 27
sherylhs: Day 26 - Me and my Bug-a-boo
sherylhs: Day 25 - What I did today
sherylhs: Day 31 - end of the day ... again.