sherylhs: Hey Mom... wait for us.
sherylhs: You first Mom.
sherylhs: Shoot, they see us... lets run.
sherylhs: A doe and her young twins?
sherylhs: Sunshine trying
sherylhs: Don't mind me
sherylhs: IMG_1248
sherylhs: IMG_1250
sherylhs: IMG_1194adj
sherylhs: Mr Fox
sherylhs: Mr Fox with evil eyes
sherylhs: Deer in the back
sherylhs: The Collier Road Mascot
sherylhs: IMG_1985
sherylhs: Omish errands
sherylhs: Omish banking?
sherylhs: Field o' bucks
sherylhs: field o' bucks
sherylhs: "gotta go"
sherylhs: No Hunting
sherylhs: "Whatcha doin'?"
sherylhs: He's baaaack!
sherylhs: "you can't see me"
sherylhs: Twin babies
sherylhs: basking in the sun
sherylhs: Frozen fog - A view from the yard
sherylhs: Frozen fog - A view from the yard
sherylhs: Frozen fog - A view from the yard
sherylhs: Frozen fog - A view from the yard
sherylhs: big frog, little frog